Full Website Development

The Whole Process in a Nutshell


Inquiry and Brainstorm

You send in an inquiry for a website after which I send you a quote. As soon as we agree, we brainstorm various themes and layout and other functionalities that can take your idea and turn it into a fully functional web app.


Figma, layouts and customization

As soon as we come to a mutual understanding on the very concept of the website, I start designing layouts and color schemes on Figma and share them with you. This is somewhat time consuming as we will go through almost all of the site, layout by layout, and only after mutually agreeing on all of the desired pages for the site, will I move ahead to the development phase.


Development and Testing

This is the final stage.. After we have mutually agreed on the layouts, I will start a local server development of the whole website. Once its finished, I will request you to run a few real world tests before uploading it to the designated hosting service and connecting to your domain name.